Hi, Hello!

It’s been well over a year since I’ve taken the time to write a new blog post.

I’m finally getting around to it from our new home in Connecticut. There’s so much to catch up on that it’s been a bit overwhelming to sit down and try to figure out where to start. I figured it’s better to at least get back in the groove of writing than to delay posting any longer.

Since I last posted, my sister got married, I self-published a children’s book and last summer, I accepted a new role with the LEGO Group and by the fall, we had sold our first home in Wisconsin and started our next chapter in Connecticut. It has certainly not been an easy few months, but I’m really proud of us for taking a leap of faith and feel like we’re finding our groove.

With everything going on in the world, I’m counting my blessings and hugging my family as tight as possible. We’ve been super fortunate to have had a few visitors already and will be back in Wisconsin this summer.

How about we do some FAQs and then I’ll share what you can expect from me on Fifth & Rose.


Was it hard to leave family?

Oh my gosh, yes. This wasn’t an easy decision but ultimately, we did what we thought was best for our family of four. If we didn’t take the chance now, we would’ve continued to come up with reasons to stay put. We have Shared Albums with family members and do our best to FaceTime on the weekends since week nights get crazy.

It’s been hard to miss birthday parties, baby showers, etc., but when we were back in Wisconsin for the holidays, it felt like even better quality time versus quick visits in and out when we all lived near by.

How are you liking CT?

It was a tough transition, but I keep reminding myself that we’ve really only been there 4.5 months. We were super fortunate to have incredible neighbors (hey, Kayleigh & Luke) right when we moved in and we have Bill’s cousin and her family less than 10 minutes away from us.

We had a very rocky winter with one or both kids being home due to exposures or closures at daycare for about six weeks. It was hard on us as a couple, as parents and colleagues and challenged us more than I ever could’ve imagined. I know we were not alone in those challenges but wow, it was a lot.

Some small wins have included things like having one of our neighbors pull up next to us in a different town and waving to us at a stoplight (we were like, look, we know people here!) or Ainsley running into a friend from daycare at the playground and chit chatting with him. I know they seem like such everyday moments but it has brought a lot of comfort amidst the transition.

I will never forget the excitement in not needing to use GPS to find something in town. I definitely still need it to drive to the office, but like I mentioned, we’re all about the small wins right now.

We are very excited for the summer and to hopefully take a few road trips to explore the east coast! Feel free to email me with recommendations for a 3.5 and almost 2 year old 😉

How has the daycare adjustment been?

We are on our second daycare here in Connecticut. Our daycare in Wisconsin set the bar really high, and we miss the teachers so very much. Ainsley still talks about Ms. Sara at least once a week.

Ultimately, we needed a daycare when we moved here so that Bill and I could attempt to WFH. I quickly found myself missing the family-like atmosphere of our previous daycare and got on a waitlist for another one in town. They started in January, and it was been a wonderful transition. There are still rocky drop-offs but both kids are doing great.

What you can expect:

My current goal is to post anywhere from two to four times a month and send out a newsletter once a month. I share the good and the bad along with the polished and messiness of this phase of life. Time is so precious these days, and it means the world to me that you’ve found your way here.

Whether you’re navigating loss, trying to find comfort in the chaos or thinking about a new career path, I hope you leave here feeling like you’re not alone.

Thank you for being here and can’t wait to catch up more soon!

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