Ruffle Trim Top

Ruffle Trim TopHappy Friday! I thought I’d end the week by sharing my current favorite finds under $50 including my top, jeans and long cardigan. They’re all pieces that you can mix and match throughout the next few months. I especially love this ruffle trim top from LOFT because it has the prettiest feminine details that add some fun to an otherwise classic, white button down shirt. Petite friends, this top is pretty long and has a shirttail hem, which is why I tucked it in with this outfit. I plan on throwing it on underneath my cozy sweaters and sleeveless dresses, too.

Old Navy Long Cardigan Old Navy Long CardiganTopshop Ripped Skinny Jeans (on sale for $40) / LOFT Ruffle Shirt ($49.50) / Old Navy Long Cardigan ($45) / Zara Heels (old, similar here) / Clare V. Sandrine Duffle

These jeans are so comfortable. I promise you’ll love them, especially since they’re marked down to $40. As for the cardigan, I love how light it is and that it doesn’t feel too bulky yet still keeps me warm. It will be on heavy rotation these next few months. I’ve already kept it at work for over a week to throw on for meetings in cold conference rooms.

Topshop Distressed Denim Ruffle Trim TopMadewell Sunglasses Old Navy Long Cardigan


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