Wedding Wednesday: Our Reception Part 2

Irish Dancing at Wisconsin Wedding Reception In the last Wedding Wednesday post, I shared the story of our friend Russell Dickerson surprising us to sing our first dance song at our wedding. While I had no idea that was happening, I did work with my dad and some of my extended Irish dance family to surprise our guests. 

I should take a moment to let you know that I Irish danced for 20 years; needless to say, it was always a big part of my life. Many Irish dancers bring in a group of younger dancers for a performance, but I opted for something a bit more organic. I asked my dad and four other dads if they would be willing to ‘Irish dance’ during our reception, in kilts. These dads have been like second dads to my sister and me since we spent so much time at practices, shows and competitions, and I thought it would be the perfect way to involve them in the day.

Irish Dancing at Wisconsin Wedding Reception Irish Dancing at Wisconsin Wedding ReceptionIrish Dancing at Wisconsin Wedding Reception Irish Dancing at Wisconsin Wedding ReceptionIrish Dancing at Wisconsin Wedding Reception Irish Dancing at Wisconsin Wedding ReceptionIrish Dancing at Wisconsin Wedding ReceptionWhen the band took their first break, I worked two Irish songs into the set list. We may have been a bit delayed so the ‘Bubs’ could practice their steps – and sip some liquid courage in the form of Irish whiskey – but it was worth the wait. They came out and instantly captivated the crowd. You can see more of the dancing in our wedding video.

As I was going through all of the photos, I loved looking at family and friends in the background. There were so.many.smiles, which makes my heart very happy.

I’ve absolutely loved re-living our special day through this series. I have one more post planned for next week about the wedding and then I’m planning to share more about our honeymoon. As always, let me know if you have any specific planning questions!

Photos by June & Jae Photography

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